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Previous tests have proved that FingerPow is the best current phone charging system in the market. The evolvement of FingerPow has made life very interesting, especially when one is stuck somewhere and needs to boost the phone’s power to make an urgent call or act on an emergency. At such times, you are on the safe side with the FingerPow charging system since you need to grab a charging pack from the charging station and charge your cell phone. After you are done with the charging pack, swap with another one; repeat the process until your phone is fully charged.
FingerPow is a wireless portable power bank; thus, you don’t need a wall socket to charge your phone, and it’s a very fast-charging system. If you are traveling and feel bored, you don’t need to be afraid of watching videos and playing games as long as you have your Finger Pow with you. Also, if you possess a smartphone, you can be assured that you will need to charge your phone two to three times since the apps installed in your phone drains its charge at a fast rate. This is a clear indication that procuring a FingerPow charging system is the best way to keep you online throughout. Although you need to part with some coins, the smooth charging experience makes the purchase of FingerPow worth it.
Features and Specs of Finger Pow Magnetic Charger
- Magnetic Connector
FingerPow comes with a double magnetic cable to smoothen the charging process; hence you would say goodbye to tripping problems and frayed charging cables. This modernized charging system also saves you a lot of time you could waste while plugging-in. The Magnetic cables allow you to charge your phone from other power banks or wall sockets. The double magnetic cable is exclusively for charging and doesn’t support transfer or synchronization of data.
- Convenient
The charging packs are easy to plug from the charging station and takes a twinkle of an eye to detach from your phone. The speed at which it charges your phones gives it a competitive advantage over other charging systems. The convenience of FingerPow wireless power banks is a key contributor to its increased sales.
- A Second Generation Charging System
FingerPow contains four pieces of 1100mah charging packs and a 5000mah charging station. Each of the charging packs can charge your phone up to twenty-five percent; hence the four will fully charge your phone. After consuming the power stored in the packs, use your charging station to recharge them. FingerPow is the right charging option for your smartphones, and you should ensure you procure it.
- Highly Portable
Different from wall sockets or other lightweight chargers, FingerPow has simplified the whole charging process and provides exceptional portability. This is the best charging solution for most men who hate carrying extra Luggage or bags since they can easily pocket Finger pow without their pockets bulging out. The new-look on portable charging allows you to continue using your phone as it charges since there are no cables to disturb you.
Advantages of Finger Pow Charging System
Water Proof Charging Packs
If your charging packs accidentally slip from your hand and fall in a bowl full of water, you shouldn’t be worried at all since they are have proven to be water-resistant.
Charge At Lightning Speed
FingerPow is quite fast, thus increased efficiency. If your phone had gone off and need to make an important call, you only need to insert a charging pack, turn on your phone, and make your call right away as the phone charges.
Use It While You Are Charging
Unlike traditional chargers that require you to use cables or connect to wall sockets, Finger Pow is cable-free; therefore can’t hinder you from operating your phone.
Stay Entertained
During your journey, you need not limit yourself from using your phone due to fears of exhausting the charge. This is because FingerPow got you covered, and when the demand for charge arises, it promptly supplies it to your mobile device.
Blackout Solution
When your area of residence experiences a power blackout, you can normally use your phone and charge at intervals with the charging packs and the charging station as well. This will allow you to be up-to-date with emerging news.
Extremely Lightweight
Their small size makes them fit into one’s pocket freely. They are also very light and can be carried anywhere, even if you are strolling outside or during your early morning runs since they don’t inconvenience you during your workouts.
These are just some of the many benefits that Finger Pow provides. Click the button below to purchase the Finger Pow today and get started on your cord free life!